Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Stupid Girls

Dear Bloggers & Blog Readers,
I had to write a post on this subject, because, well, I am one. At least I was one. You know that every girl at one point has heard all the "fairy tale" stories about love. You know the ones, the girl is wonderful and has something special to offer, there is always a prince, who, when he finds the girl is swept away by her beauty and grace. What I've learned and what the stories don't tell you, is that 90% of the time the prince is absolutely wonderful while wooing the girl, but afterward, when he's had her for a while, he turns into something even worse than the beast. I'd beg for the beast right about now, and if you've been there you know what I mean.
As it seems, I'm not the stupidest girl in America. That title is strictly there for my best friend, Jenny. Now, she was my best friend in High School and for a few years out. I still think of her, and pray for her, because I know she isn't doing it for herself. Jenny has made a few possibly irreparable mistakes, as well as a few good faith mistakes. We all make those, the good faith ones. At least I know I have, but I can't speak for everyone.
I always pictured her with a wonderful man who would sweep her off her feet constantly and consistantly. She deserves someone like that. Jenny is beautiful, a wonderful, caring, and generous woman. She looks like a perfect mix of Britney Spears (body) and Snow White (complexion) with the brightest, most sparkling, sky blue eyes ever granted to a human being by God himself. She's a wonderful mother and a devoted wife. The only real bad part to her is that she is very gullible.
As far as good faith is concerned she's made the mistake of falling in love. Not just in general, but with someone that is against her faithful upbringing entirely. Her husband, Jonathan, is Wiccan. She thought like everyone else has at one point that Wicca is not really a religion, that it was just a game you play with magic. To me, Wicca is the devil's religion, though I may receive many hate messages to counter that idea. What she knows, and what I know, and what all our friends know is that this behavior of rituals and spell-casting is bringing her further away from God. Any Christian knows that if you carry yourself away from the Lord, his blessings get further away as well.
Now, she has turned her back on her family, her friends, and most of the goodness she knew in her life before. Jonathan tempted her and because she is so gullible, she fell for it. Not that I'm calling it a failure of self, by chance. It sounds very familiar as far as most womens lives are concerned, though not generally to this extremity. When she turned to this man (the term "man" used very loosely in this case) she must've been looking for a father for her daughter. Her daughter's father being in jail and not accepting his paternity, she had no choice but to find her a role-model of some sort. What she didn't bargain on, was a father-figure who was more like a nightmare. He decided that his wife wasn't good enough to be in bed with, so he took out his disgusting fantasies on her daughter. Subsequently, her daughter was removed from her care by DSS. Many other factors came in to play as well, but for the sake of sealed records, I'll keep my mouth shut. She stood by him through that. That alone is enough to call her a stupid girl, but no, there is more. Instead of leaving him and fighting like hell to get her daughter back, she decided to not only stay with him, but to have another child with him, to try to make him stay with her. (Insert heart attack here.) They had a beautiful baby boy, that looks just like her.
And that's where I must leave you. To wonder where this woman is, how she is doing, and how her family is getting along without her. I don't know these answers. All I can hope for is that my prayers are being heard and that she is safe. There are women out in the world everyday who make the same mistakes she has made and they are no longer with us. I pray she isn't one of them. We love you, Jenny.


Anonymous said...

I think we've all had a friend like this before, and I think it's wonderful that you don't degrade her in this post.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

there s no shock here... shes wicca so shes obviously a stupid girl. duh

Shannon said...

#1 Thank you for your wonderfully no-sided opinion on the subject.

#2 You don't even want to know what the deleted post said.

#3 Grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation. PLEASE! Who teaches these kids?