Saturday, September 8, 2007

F*cking MEN!!

Let me just start with a simple: "GRRR!" I'm officially ticked. Not like I don't get that way often, but it's really coming to a head now. I've thought back to the beginning of my dating career, and well, to say the least it's not pretty. Why is it so hard for me to find a decent person? Is it too much to want a man that's not only willing to work without bitching everyday about it or throwing it up in my face everyday, but to actually DEAL with it? I have a simple 6 thing list I use as a rule to find a man, unfortunately for me, I neglect to stick to it all the time. Stupid me. Here's the list:
(1) Don't date anyone completely unwilling to work.
(2) Don't date married men, under any circumstances.
(3) Don't date outside of your own race. (This one strictly beaten into my brain by my father all my life and closely based on the way one of my friends gets treated by her husband who is black, strictly meaning no offense here.)
(4) Don't date men who drink, do drugs, or have a detrimental criminal background.
(5) Don't date men who are uglier than Heath Ledger. (This is the one I break most often. Seconded by part of rule #4, men who drink.)
And last, but definitely not least (6) Don't date men old enough to be your father. (I've had 2 instances where I broke that one, unknown to my parents. Don't tell them.)

Currently, there aren't many people with whom I'm good enough friends with to confide in about such matters and thus, I get lost in my own self/heart/idiocy whatever you want to call it. Technically speaking, I may just be The Queen of the Bad Judges of Character. Crown me now. Please.
How funny, but thank you for the boost.

Anyone know how I can cure this, or better yet, is there any man that will prove to me that not all men are ugly, non-working, drunks who aren't old as dirt?

A&B Update: Half done with chapter 15, stumbling a little on the way everything should go, still need a antagonist.


Anonymous said...

All of the available men seem to be non working drnks don't they?

Shannon said...

You mean "drunks"? Right?