Thursday, October 4, 2007

My iTunes

You know, I was just looking through my iTunes list today, crossing off songs I don't feel like hearing right now and was shocked at how many songs I have. I'm kind of a nut and my friends all have CDs I "borrow", so I now have over 1900 songs. It's kind of insane to me, but when I go into chat rooms and stuff (which I hardly ever do because of all the crazies out there) people are always telling me that it's not nearly as many as they have. Do what?! You mean you freaky people actually have that many or you just want everyone to think you do? If I were to somehow listen to every single song in my library 24 hours a day, it would take me... uh... like over 4 months. I don't intentionally plan on staying awake that long, by any means. That would probably be a world record, though.

I kind of have an extreme variation in musical taste. Some people just think I can't make my mind up, but I have literally every type of genre (I think...) on this thing. I could give you a list of genres, but as I said before, it might take a while and I'm trying to make this a nice quick post. Genres I have the most of are OK I guess. Uh...

#1 Would have to be Country, because I am a Southern girl after all, but not all the songs in that list are true country either. Some are Bluegrass, some are Southern Rock, you get what I mean... I hope.
#2 Is Rock, because that just encompasses so many different sections like Alternative, Punk, Classic Rock, Oldies, etc.
#3 Is tied oddly enough, but I'll list the one that I might get another tie breaker soon for. Rap-ish. I say Rap-ish, because that covers R&B and Reggae, too. The other one tied for #3 is Techno. That's tied I think, because I have so many house mixes, dance trax and stuff that's very useful for doing stuff to... LOL :P
#4 is Pop, mostly I have this because I am a very retrospective person and I remember all the songs I used to listen to when I was a teenie bopper and some of them have great back beats which I like to clean to...
Rounding out #5 is Classical, because when I don't feel good, you know have a cold or something, it's the only thing that puts me to sleep without me thinking of whether or not I'm going to die that night. No, I'm not depressed, those thoughts only strike me when I'm sick. Psshh!!


Anonymous said...

country sux

Shannon said...

Is this cody again? I should start blocking you.