Monday, July 16, 2007

The War In Iraq & Elections

Why is it that so many people are against the war in Iraq? Do they realize that they know nothing about what's going on there? There are reasons why we don't know anything. If we all knew every gory detail that the President is privy to, we'd be running in the streets like mad people or moving frantically to other countries. There are very few operations that the American government actually releases to the press for that very same reason. The things we hear of are the dumbed-down versions of real events that took place and generally we hear of them 2-3 days after they already occurred.

If you feel misinformed you aren't the only one. All I can say really about the matter is that it doesn't matter which President we elect into office, because the candidates running only know half the story. Once a President is elected and sworn in, then they go through a rigorous week of meetings, briefings, and informative work sessions. Although the bits and pieces that the candidates do know add up to more than we do, they still have no real clue what lies in store for them once they take office. Don't forget now all those promises that your particular candidate has lined up for a specific pull-out date. Only to warn you, they may re-think the matter once they get all their briefings. Only those brave men and women fighting for our country know the full brutal truth about this war. And even then, not all of them know every gory detail.

Every war-time country has had second thoughts about it's involvement, this isn't new. Don't you think that France, a normally peaceful country, had second thoughts about it's involvement in WW2? What about Poland? Taking in all those refugees they were lucky that they weren't dragged in as well. We aren't the only nation to be pulled into a war larger than us.

Many also forget that this is a war that is a modern day extension of the same war started over 2,000 years ago. The only difference now is that the world has modern day weapons and tools that they didn't have that long ago, as well as many democratic countries that see these stories on the news and call out for a fight we know is much bigger than just "people". This is a religious war. Think about how you feel about your religion. Would you stand up and fight day-in and day-out, knowing that the cause you fight for is a different cause that the other side fights for just as fervently? Certainly I would. Would you stop fighting all of a sudden just because a country that hasn't had anything to do with you all this time jumps in and tells you how to run things? I didn't think so.

Just keep that in mind before you jump up and yell that this war is criminal. Also remember that the day after 9/11/01 we all begged to get inon this fight. And now, just because so many lives are being lost, we are begging to pull out.

God Bless Our Troops... All of them.

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