Sunday, September 2, 2007

I Love Firefox

Hey, who doesn't? Everyone nowadays is putting up their favorite Firefox themes lists, so, I thought I'd do it, too. (My attempt at mild conformity)

My Top Ten Firefox Themes
(with previews and downloads)

#10. Pink Paula/PP2
Aaah! A girl developer that's proud to be a girl. I love this theme, because no other developer has truly embraced the fact that more than just men use the Firefox browser, much less the internet itself. Nice pink bubbly interface with ease of use. What more could you ask for?

#9. PinkHope
Sorry, guys. I know, another pink browser, but hey, it's for a good cause. PinkHope is based on the iPox interface (for now), but plans to make it into it's own format very soon. If you couldn't tell by the name, PinkHope is a breast cancer awareness browser theme, and thus, landed in my top 10. Did you know: It's creator is a guy? (kinda cool.)

#8. RedShift v.2
RedShift is awesome! I love my dark themes. They're getting increasingly harder to find, but the creator of RedShift has kept up his theme to be compatible with the new Firefox version upgrades. RedShift is the best, easiest to use, dark theme out there. All text and buttons are easy to see, yet not overwhelming, and the red highlights are all in the right places.

#7. Azerty III
Azerty III is more of a cartoony meets bubbles kind of theme, however, I'm a big kid at heart and I really really like it. I love the fact that not all the buttons are interface standard. The interface itself is very childish, yet easy to use and colorful to boot. Makes you feel happy when surfing the internet.

#6. Pimpzilla
Pimpzilla is (like the creator boasts) "the most tacky & overdone piece of GUI design ever." He says probably, I say definitely. I actually like it a lot though, as it does have some good redeeming qualities. It has relatively large buttons and easy to read text so you won't get lost in the sea of gold. I'm pretty tacky myself, and I love attempting to show everyone how cool I think I am, so we have our lovely #6 pick, Pimpzilla!

#5. Harley Davidson
Ever wanted to feel the wind in your hair, the rumbling in your crotch, the invigoration of gas-hogging, horsepower-insane man machines roaring down the freeway? Are you too geeky to ride a Harley, but always wanted to own one, if only just to stare at it or show it off to your friends? Why not just quench the thirst for thunder with this wonderfully manly theme? Enough said.

#4. Glowy Gold
A good (and pretty) hybrid between the flashy Pimpzilla and the dark RedShift with redesigned buttons and a very user-friendly interface. I'm using this one right now.

#3. Arctic Glow
A very "cool", modern art-like, contemporary theme. Mostly blue, very crystallized, dynamically sound and kind of freaky interface. Perfect for any blue lover anywhere (including me).

#2. ShadowThunder II Sunbeam
ShadowThunder II Sunbeam has got to be the most migraine-inducing theme ever created for Firefox. The reason I rank it so high is because my family can't stand to look at it and thus, very rarely attempt to peek at what I'm doing online. If you want the perfect theme that understands your need for privacy as well as usability, this is the one you're looking for. Sunglasses recommended.

#1. Miint
The utmost in contemporary design based for a work environment of pure bliss, Miint inspires you to remain calm even in the toughest of searching environments. The cool green theme is not so tame that you don't notice it, yet not so bright that it hurts to look at it. Green has always been a favorite color choice of mine and has always been a staple in peaceful design elements. The brighter of all of the neutral colors, Miint is the best theme to use if you want your cubicle to be the height of fashion and browsing comfort.

Download Firefox Now! Free!


Anonymous said...

Love the mint theme, thanx for finding it for me. Oddly I have a tie that matches it. lol.

Anonymous said...

thx for the fx for firefox. love the first 2 pink ones

Anonymous said...

I see you like "bling" on your browser, lol, do you make your own?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't suppose they offer blindness insurance for the Sunbeam one do they? Ouch!

Shannon said...

#1 It's very disturbing that you have a tie that matches a web browser.

#2 Pink is cute isn't it? Go to school, learn grammar and spelling, come back when you're done.

#3 No, unfortunately it's very hard to find the right creation software for the dinosaur Mac I'm running.

#4 I don't think so.